Recently, I was asked by a new artist if I thought her website was "done".
My honest response was, "Your website is never 'done'!" ;-)
The best artist websites are ones that reflect the dynamic nature of an artist's journey!
So, while your website may start at a specific point in time, it's really important that you continue to update and share your artistic journey!
(AND, not only do updates make your website more interesting, they also help your website ranking on Google!
Yes, websites that change frequently and have new information tend to rank higher on Google.)
So, perhaps, once a month or once a quarter, look back and think about what you've accomplished.
Not sure what to "put" on your website, here are some ideas ...
Have you recently:
And, depending on what you've done, you can now:
If your website doesn't have the latest and greatest about you, how will your fans find out?! ;-)
Remember - your website is YOUR living "document"!
Make sure it truly reflects what you're doing and all the beauty you are sharing with the world! :-)