To make sure we're aware of ALL our artists' events, Geoff has updated the ArtSites Events system!
Now, when you add an event to YOUR Events page, we will automatically be notified of your event!
(So, no more emails needed - simply post it your website! :-)
Here are the instructions on how to post AND submit your Events to us:
And, voilà, your event will automatically be sent to our new "Events" Calendar on the ArtSites website, where all current and upcoming events will be listed!
And, your event will automatically be setup for the "Events" section of the ArtSites newsletter prior to your start date and/or opening reception date!
In terms of the newsletter, we want to make sure we have ample room for everyone and that artists' events don't get cut-off.
So, going forward, each Event will be listed in the newsletter for a maximum of two weeks.
That said, ALL current and upcoming events will be listed on our new ArtSites Events Calendar (even after the initial two weeks).
We're hoping this new system helps us become more aware of your activities and also helps us to better promote YOUR events in even more places! :-)