ArtSites Updates

(posted on 8 Mar 2013)

The Latest Upcoming Facebook Changes
Facebook Photo Changes

Facebook Photo Album Changes

You may (or may not) have heard that Facebook announced yesterday several upcoming changes to the way your "News Feed" will look and work (I know MORE changes! ;-)

That said, some of these changes will actually be to your (or your images') benefit. Here is a short list of what was announced:

  • Rich Stories: Your photos and visual content will now display much more prominently and vividly
  • Choice of Feeds: You will now have more control over the topics of stories you see and you also have more "News Feed" options (see below)
New Facebook News Feed Options
  • Better Mobile Consistency: This means your Facebook experience will be more seamless across desktop and mobile devices

Here's a great article that provides more details and images.

In short, yes, Facebook is changing the way it works, but we're hoping it allows even more sharing of your beautiful artwork! ;-)
