ArtSites Updates
Geoff and I are thrilled to have lined up several FREE ArtSites / Social Media for Visual Artists Workshops in the coming weeks in British Columbia and Washington and we'd
LOVE to see you there! (Here are
full workshop descriptions.)
Here is our current schedule. (We'll also post this to our
ArtSites Workshop page so that you can view any new or updated listings.)
Sunday, October 21: Ashcroft, BC at
Jo Petty's Artist's Studio
Sunday, October 28: Pender Island at the Studio at Hope Bay
Once again, we'd love to meet you in person and remember all of these workshops are FREE! So, please come out, even just to say hello. Also, do let any of your other artists friends and colleagues know!
If you'd like for us to host a workshop in your community, please let us know!