ArtSites Updates

Hi Everyone,

Geoff and I want to share some very exciting news with you!

On Sunday, May 20, we are leaving for a 3-4 month trip across Canada and the Northern USA. Geoff is bicycling across the country! Yes, all the way to St. John's, Newfoundland - over 8,000 km from Vancouver, BC (for our US artists = 5,000 miles! ;-) This has been something Geoff has wanted to do his entire life and we decided there's no better time to do it than the present. I will be driving the support/chase VW camper van, affectionately called "VanGo". (The intentionally misspelled, "catchy" name is both aspirational (since the van is OLD, from 1984, and we're hoping it "goes" the entire trip) and a gentle nod to ArtSites - although I'm convinced we need to add more color and artwork to its exterior - any takers?! ;-)

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If you're interested in following our progress, you can do so at either or Geoff and I are very excited about our trip and also a bit anxious since we're not quite sure how this will all pan out. That said, VanGo is completely decked out with a bunch of technology tools and gadgets, which will allow both of us to conduct business-as-usual and respond to your requests while on the road. Given our uber-techie lifestyle, this was really an essential requirement ;-)

Over the summer, Geoff and I will be focused on further developing and updating ArtSites and we thought this trip would also be a great opportunity to meet up with YOU in-person! If you'd like to meet us too, even just for a quick coffee or tea, please drop us a line. (All phone numbers and contact information will remain the same.) We would also love to have your help in further spreading the word about ArtSites. You can do this in a number of different ways by:

  • Continuing to recommend ArtSites to your artist friends
  • Recommending Art Fairs we should hit along the way
  • Letting us know about any opportunities for informal ArtSites "meetups", e.g. where we could do a demo or tutorial of our service for a group of artists or an Artist Guild/Association
  • Sharing those "must-see" attractions we should hit along our route ;-)
  • Sending us lots of positive "vibes" for the trip! ;-)

Geoff and I want to sincerely thank you for your continued ArtSites support! Without you, ArtSites would not be where it is today and we simply want to let you know how thrilled we are to have you as part of the growing ArtSites family! Once again, please feel free to follow our TransContinental progress online and find out when we're in a city or town near you! :-)

Now, back to our LONG to-do list of last-minute errands! ;-)


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Rochelle and Geoff
