Recently, I received and email from one of our artists who was concerned about what would happen to their website after they pass away.
And, I realized that Geoff and I have never explicitly shared with you our "Legacy Policy"!
As I've said many times before, Geoff and I strongly believe the world needs more art! :-D
So, in honour of your talents and your artistic contributions to our ArtSites family, we promise to continue to host your website for free!
This ensures that future generations and fellow artists can continue to enjoy and be inspired your work!
That said, there is one thing that we ask you to do ...
Please let your family members, executor, etc. know to contact us!
There are two reasons for this ...
And, just as a gentle reminder, here are our thoughts on The Impact You AND Your Art Have on Us and the Wonderful Legacies You're Creating!
Many, many thanks for all your contributions to our world of art! :-)