ArtSites Updates
We are in the testing phase of developing a new website that is complementary to and should be of interest to most of our customers. We are looking for a few people to help us test this new website before we release it to the world.
Here are some of the characteristics that we are looking for in a tester:
- be artists with images of their work that they will be ok with uploading to a public website,
- have the time to try out the new website and provide feedback about the experience,
- are comfortable and experienced with using web-based tools,
- can intuitively figure out things without a lot of documentation, even if the design is not complete.
If you want to give us a hand working the bugs out of our new website, we would very much appreciate your help. Just
contact us and let me know that you'd be interested. We will bring on testers at intervals so if you don't hear from us right away, don't worry.
We will make an announcement here when the we open up this new website to the world.
Hopefully you will find the website useful and can have a hand in shaping it's future.