Help and Tutorials

Add, Remove or Move Images into Other Galleries

Once you have your website setup, you will spend most of your time managing images and adding, removing, and moving them to galleries. Here are the instructions on how add, remove or move an image to the appropriate galleries.

Add, Remove or Move Images in Galleries

  1. Go to the 'Image' tab in your Administration Panel
  2. Click on the Edit (Pencil) icon beneath the image you would like to add, remove, or change galleries. 
  3. Click on (or off) the checkboxes for the Galleries you want your image to be included in
    (see red square box below):
    Gallery Checkboxes
    (Please note: Your image can be in multiple galleries.)
  4. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the 'Update Image' button to save your changes!

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