ArtSites Updates

Why and When It Makes Sense to Buy Additional Domain Names

Recently, Geoff and I have been getting quite a few questions about domain names.

So, today, I wanted to write up a short article discussing Why and When It Makes Sense to Buy Extra Domain Names.

Generally speaking, you can register any number of domain names (provided, of course, they're still available.)

It's not unusual for artists to purchase domain names that are the artist's name with a .com AND a .ca or another ending, if those variations are available.

With our system, we generally set things up so that there is a primary domain name and the extra "secondary domain names" will redirect to the primary one.

For instance, we have an artist that has the domain name as her primary domain name AND as a secondary domain name.

If you click on, the address in your web browser automatically changes to because you'll be redirected to her primary domain name.

The costs for a domain name vary depending on the ending.

Generally, .com costs $10/year and .ca cost $15/year.

There are a whole bunch of new endings that are just being released that are considerably more expensive.

There is even a .art that is in the planning stages and might be available next year sometime.

We'll be sure to announce this in the newsletter when we know more! ;-)

So, is it worth it to buy more?!

They are not that expensive so it may make sense to buy the ones you want before someone else picks them up.

However, from a branding point of view, it really is best to focus on a single domain name.

In the case above, having the secondary makes sure that if someone accidentally types in, they land on the correct website.

And, sometimes artists will buy an additional domain name just because they want control of it.

For instance in the case, she also bought her name,

Owning your own name as a domain name is a really good idea, even if you don't use it for your art website.

If you think you might be interested in buying an additional domain name, simply let us know and we'll work with you to get everything setup!

Here's to people easily finding you and your art! ;-)
