ArtSites Updates

Woohoo! We have a new layout called "Tiled with Top Menu"! (there's a peak above ;-)

This layout represents the latest trend in digital design - responsiveness.

Here's what "responsive" means ...

This layout dynamically resizes your images depending on the size of your screen.

And, the layout itself will also change depending on the amount of screen space available.

As a result, it works quite fluidly across large desktop monitors, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.

You can even "test this out" by adjusting the width of your browser window.

Make your browser window bigger or smaller and see how the images and layout change.

To switch to this layout:

  1. Log into your Admin Panel
  2. Under "Layout" select "Tiled Responsive (new)"
  3. And, don't forget to select your Colour Scheme, as well! ;-)
  4. Click the "Update Website Layout and Header" button to save your selection
  5. Now, go view your website

We're very excited by this new "responsive" layout and are looking to bring you more variations in the coming months.

Give it a try and as always, feel free to give us your feedback!

Also, many, many thanks to all our layout testers for their feedback and great ideas!

We're still making some small tweaks, but go ahead and let us know what you think! ;-)

(And, if you're interested, here's more detailed information about "Responsive Web Design")
